
报告人 时间

Artificial Intelligence Applied to Condition-Based Maintenance


2019326日星期二    1500 16:00



Condition-based maintenance (CBM) is seen an important tool for running an unmanned factory in an optimal manner, allowing real-world equipment managed by measuring simple values such as temperature, pressure, etc.  It is however not trivial to turn the measured data into actionable knowledge about the health of the equipment. This talk will discuss various challenges to the use of CBM and present recent advances on applying data-driven based artificial intelligence technologies to CBM without the need of relying on physical domain knowledge. Experimental results obtained from a number of case studies, such as robust prognostics, tool condition monitoring and automated surface inspection, will also be analyzed and discussed in the presentation.


主讲人简介:香港城市大学 Kay Chen Tan 教授,英国格拉斯哥大学学士、博士,美国 IEEE FellowFellow 评委、CIS AdCom 委员。目前担任 IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary ComputationIF8.124)主编,曾任 IEEE Computational Intelligence MagazineIF6.611)主编,也是其它10多个顶级国际期刊的编辑,2016年世界智能计算全会(WCCI)联合主席,并将担任2019 IEEE 进化计算大会(CEC)联合主席。Tan 教授发表了280多篇论文,出版了10本专著,其中《现代工业自动化软件设计》被翻译成中文,曾应邀在60多个国际会议上做大会报告,获得了许多学术机构的成就奖和荣誉,包括2016 IEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning Systems 的最佳论文奖,2008年国际机构 International Network for Engineering Education & Research的‘Recognition Award’奖等。他主要研究人工智能及计算智能、机器学习及优化、数据挖掘及运筹学等,推进优化、数据分析和机器学习应用的理论和创新技术,在Google学术上被引用11,000余次,h-index 52


主办单位:计算机科学与技术学院    工业4.0人工智能实验室


说明: 微信图片_20190320100733




